
All pianos have a 5 year guarantee and are regulated for an even touch and tuned to concert pitch. Prices start at £450. Please get in touch if you have any questions. Tuning and all necessary adjustments carried out prior to delivery. Subsequent tunings are charged at standard rates. Updated October, 2023


Pictured here is a classic British Challen piano. These are a great example of the kind of solid and reliable secondhand instrument that can often be supplied. Reliable for learners and experienced players alike. Typical price £750

I’m always happy to answer questions about pianos, for any buyer; irrespective of constraints or budget, a few pointers go a long way. With helpful advice, many of my clients have avoided problematic private purchases. Pianos are an investment and need to be suitable for purpose. Help is an email, or better still, a ‘phone call away. If we don’t have the right piano for you, we can certainly help you to avoid the worn out unserviceable pianos that are passed around at ‘bargain’ prices or are ‘free to good home!’